
Manufacturing, Transportation & Distribution

Today’s MTD supply chains need to be highly flexible to enable pick-up or delivery requests, anytime and anywhere. There is increased pressure to deliver goods fast, with companies lining up alternative transport modes and ‘smarter’ routes to achieve this. There is also a higher focus on sustainability and compliance in the sector. Companies are fast deploying robust IT Solutions as one of the means to address these challenges.

How we Support Manufacturing, Transportation & Distribution

We understand the need for 100% up-time as supply chain operations are required to run 24/7. IT support for manufacturing, transportation and distribution businesses needs to be globally focused due to multi-national supply chains and large-scale networked technology. Continuous operation is key to modern production, core infrastructure needs to be designed with flexibility and redundancy.

Why MTD Firms Need Reliable IT Support​​

Infrastructure Management

Logistics companies need robust IT infrastructure management to embrace digital technologies for a connected eco-system that addresses the increasing number of touchpoints and the rapidly evolving technology. CSG Technologies has a proven track record of successfully working with manufacturing, transport, and distribution companies just like yours. We keep an eye on latest industry trends to keep you current and equipped to reach your goals.

VoIP Solutions

Modern VoIP phone systems offer tremendous advantages aside from the obvious cost savings. Customer service departments can offer expanded capabilities by utilizing a contact center. An old-fashioned call center simply can’t compete due to customer expectations of modern features such as texting and browser or app based options such as live chat and instant messaging.

Software Solutions

We keep scouring the industry domain for excellent features such as Microsoft Exchange Upgrade, and introducing them into a consistent flow of business solutions. We derive exceptional back-up through cloud computing and facilitate transfer and sharing of data into various streams of our enterprise. Thus, we have effortlessly weaved a close-knit system, which helps us excel in our endeavors.

Application Transformation

Application transformation in logistics can be complex due to multiple activities performed by disparate IT systems. It’s imperative that all these systems are connected efficiently and exchange information seamlessly to achieve excellence across the supply chain. CSG Technologies helps manufacturing, transportation and distribution organizations in building and integrating IT systems such as Warehouse Management Systems, Transport Management Systems, ERP, CRM and more.

Digital Assurance

The Logistics business is highly complex, time-critical and has a cascading impact on the sequence of operations. It is imperative that there is critical focus on the testing services whilst being aware of the customers business for ensuring reliability, business operations, seamless execution with high quality management, monitoring and production consistency along with Agility.

Network Support

The push towards more sophisticated manufacturing and infrastructure capabilities are intensifying due to mounting pressure around improved cyber security, preservation of intellectual property and the protection of client data. This ever-changing landscape doesn’t have to be a struggle. We provide industry specific technology expertise to free up your resources so you can focus on serving your clients and growing your business.

Why Us?

We are a fast growing team of highly skilled, passionate IT professionals.
Our laser-like focus on client satisfaction ensures excellence in service
delivery, enabling faster innovation and enhanced productivity. Our
services are dynamic, scalable, resilient, and responsive. We don’t believe
in one-size-fits-all solution and take a highly collaborative approach to
align our services with your business goals.

Are you interested in CSG? Would you rather speak to us

Surprises in IT can cost you a month’s worth of revenue, a client or even your reputation. We reconfigure the unpredictable nature of technology to make it consistent and reliable taking care of managing your IT infrastructure, while saving you time and money on its maintenance and upgrade. We promise to be the outsourced IT expert you can trust.